Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Blackwork Tattoos (arm)

Installare nuove applicazioni

If any of you tried to launch the application to install new packages, after a few seconds of waiting, will have realized the absolute futility of the operation.

Sporchiamoci then hands with the command line.

Midinux is a distribution derived from Fedora, as such uses as yum package management system.

order to function properly yum ( e di conseguenza il relativo frontend grafico fornita da Midinux, pirut ) è necessario aggiornare i repositories dei pacchetti. Vale a dire che dobbiamo indicare a yum quali sono i server a cui dovrà collegarsi per aggiornare la propria lista dei pacchetti disponibili e da cui dovrà eventualmente scaricare questi pacchetti.

I repositories da utilizzare si trovano in una serie di files con estensione .repo , contenuti nella cartella /etc/yum.repos.d/ .

Di default, è già presente nella cartella un file che punta al repository Aries (?). Avendo già verificato la sua scarsa utilità, lo rimuoviamo ( magari facendone prima una copia ):

cp /etc/yum.repos.d/addtional.repo.BAK /root/

rm /etc/yum.repos.d/addtional.repo

Dopo aver eliminato i vecchi repositories è necessario inserirne di nuovi. Io ho quindi creato tre nuovi files nella cartella /etc/yum.repos.d/ , eccoli:


Siete ora pronti per installare nuove applicazioni. Se, ad esempio volete installare netcat , inserite l'istruzione:

yum install nc

Per quanto mi riguarda, non ho verificato a fondo l'affidabilità dei repositories da me Having entered some small application installed for now. Be careful, because I think it is easy to combine mess ... but if you're in the mood for feats you might even groped to upgrade your system: yum update

NOTE: From what I infer strolling on the web, seem to use those repositories correct version of Fedora 7 (as I also confirmed simone). But trying to run yum repo with the above I have seen that those used are those of version 6. Does anyone have ideas on this?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Kidde Carbon Dioxide Detector Reads 999

Applicazioni nascoste

As written in a previous post about the application xterm, sono presenti su Midinux alcuni programmi perfettamente funzionanti che però non possono essere utilizzati per il semplice fatto che non è presente il collegamento per richiamarli.

Le applicazioni in questione sono:

leafpad - editor di file di testo
galculator - calcolatrice
audiorecorder - registratore di suoni

( più altre applicazioni che sono già richiamabili e alcuni collegamenti per effettuare il reboot, lo shutdown, etc... ).

La procedura utilizzata per attivare il corrispondente collegamento nella schermata delle applicazioni è la stessa utilizzata per xterm. Copiamo i rispettivi file .desktop the appropriate folder. For example, to enable

leafpad , inserted into the terminal command:

cp / usr / share / applications / Hildon / leafpad.hildon.desktop / usr / share / applications / hsapp / desktop

Pokemondeluge Dowload

Cambiare il layout della tastiera

When Connect a USB keyboard to the MID, the layout will be that English. So if we try to write text with the USB keyboard, special characters (ie & / -) will be called up using keys and key combinations other than those we are accustomed.

To change the layout used by applications within the graphic session (in fact, the change does not affect the terminal tty1 ) dovremo modificare il file di configurazione di Xorg.

Il file in questione è:


Nella sezione relativa alla tastiera ( Identifier = "Keyboard" ), è presente la riga:

Option "XkbLayout" "us"

che va cambiata in:

Option "XkbLayout" "it"


Stone Stuck In Goldfish

Login remoto con SSH

Lavorare a lungo direttamente sul MID puo' essere stancante, possiamo tuttavia utilizzare una sessione remota con SSH e quindi lavorare sul MID utilizzando il nostro PC di casa.

Per fare questo, sia il PC di casa che il MID must be connected to the same network. For example, my desktop PC connects to the home router with ethernet cable while the MID I connect via wireless.

The SSH daemon is already installed on Midinux but not started by default then, first, we start it. To do so, using a terminal command line (see a previous posts to know how to get the terminal), and insert the statement:

/ etc / init.d / sshd start

Midinux should inform us if the daemon is started successfully.

Also from terminal command line, launch the MID command ifconfig

to recover the network address that was assigned to the MID.

As mentioned above the two PCs are connected to the same network, and then share the same address space (eg PC and MID = = 5.342.34.101 5.342.34.102).

Finally, on your home, we can run the client program of your choice (eg putty) and enter the network address of the MID (5.342.34.102, in our example).

UPDATE: Before you can connect it is necessary to protect the root account with a password (default password is not required). To do this we type the terminal command: passwd

There will be at this point the new request password for the root account.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Why Do Male Undies Smell Of Urine

Attivare xTerm

Ok, now we are able to login as root using the terminal tty1, but to do this we need to connect to a MID keyboard, which allows us to move from the textual to graphical session and vice versa.

not always being able to have behind a keyboard, would be useful to obtain a shell in the same graphical session, as it happens on our Linux box (on the PC you installed Linux, right?).

The thing is very simple since the application we need (xterm) is already installed, you just insert a link that allows us to call her. The link is already present and is on the path

/ usr / share / applications / Hildon / bone-xterm.desktop

(along with other interesting links), and must be copied to the folder

/ usr / share / applications / hsapp / desktop / .

To do this, once we logged in as root (see previous post), give the command:

cp / usr / share / applications / Hildon / bone-xterm.desktop / usr / share / applications / hsapp / desktop /

After copying the file to your desktop and restart the MID, the application screen (that, I mean, where is the file manager) will be presented pulsante per richiamare il terminale.

NOTA: per chiudere il terminale è necessario inserire al suo interno il comando exit .

Pimple And Pimple Spot

Terminale root

Ok, la prima cosa da fare è accedere ad un terminale con privilegi di root.

La cosa è più semplice del previsto: è sufficiente collegare una tastiera USB al MID con l'apposito connettore fornito in dotazione e premere contemporaneamenti i tasti CTRL + ALT + F1 per passare al tty1.

Per tornare al terminale grafico ( sta sul secondo terminale 2 ) è sufficiente premere: CTRL + ALT + F2.

Una volta collegati al terminale viene richiesto l'utente con cui ci si vuole connettere. Qui inseriremo as 'root '. It is no password.

NOTE: The keyboard layout in the terminal tty1 is then English with an Italian keyboard, all keys with special characters (ie / # @ (I purchased the Benq on eBay in January at a price of € 230 while the web site of the TIM unit was on sale at a price of 299 €. I do not know what the current market value.) In Italy comes with Linux preinstalled. The distribution used
RedFlag Midinux
, does not allow any customization.

My first concern was therefore to try to replace the original operating system with a Linux distribution more 'open'.

The options considered were essentially two:

use the Ubuntu MID distro

use the platform (in particular, the use Moblin Image Creator) to assemble a distribution suitable for BenqS6.
  • Hmmm, both options require an investment of time that today I can not afford. Ok, so for now I keep Midinux, but you need to make some changes ...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tech Deck Live Skatepark . Com


Through the promenade Tortoricolo can walk and listening to the roar of waterfalls, really relaxing.