Stevia Rebaudiana
Introduction to Stevia Stevia is a small perennial shrub that belongs to the chrysanthemum family and is native to Paraguay.
This plant has an extraordinary ability sweetener. In its natural form is approssimativamente10/15 times sweeter than ordinary table sugar. In its most common form of white powder, extracted from the leaves of the plant, comes to be 70 to 400 times sweeter than sugar.
For this reason, the world's most powerful sweetener. Personally until recently did not even know the existence, and still I have never seen the use of this plant as an ingredient in any product on the market today. Why?
These are the main characteristics of this plant:
does not cause diabetes - does not contain calories
- does not alter the level of sugar in the blood
- not toxic
- inhibits the formation of cavities and dental plaque
- not
contain artificial ingredients - can be used for cooking
Stevia is also known for its medicinal properties and was used by Indians for its healing powers for hundreds of years. These
its possible medical uses: diabetes, obesity, hyperactivity, high blood pressure, hypoglycemia, indigestion, candida, is also a good tonic for healthy skin, inhibits the desire of carbohydrates and reduces the need for tobacco and alcohol.
"Even in stevia has been used by Indians to sweeten beverages, but for Europe the formalization comes only with the natural scientist Paraguay Antonio Bertoni who shall certify, for the first time , the use by of indigenous tribes in 1887.
still in Rio De Janeiro is continuing to investigate the use of stevia, which is regarded as the sweetener of the future in the city of Birigui the plant is so popular that tea made from the leaves of stevia is in all the bars and Drink is sweetened with stevia and fruit juices, milk shakes, milk and coffee. In this small town there is much talk of the "miracle of Steve" and the positive results that have accrued in the cases of diabetes, hypertension and various infections. The modern history of stevia
begins with the Conquistadors who discovered for the first time in the sixteenth century, but the indigenous Guarani and Mato Grosso were already using the da secoli per dolcificare le loro medicine e fare infusi ; chiamavano la STEVIA 'CaaY-ehe' che significa 'erba dolce' in quanto , a causa della sua dolcezza, bastavano poche foglie a dolcificare una grande tazza di tè dando inoltre un piacevole aroma.
Il primo utilizzo degli europei fu quello di dolcificare gli infusi , le bevande e gli alimenti, e le fu dato il nome di Yerba Dulce (Erba Dolce) . Successivamente i Gauchos la usarono per dolcificare il Mate.
Nel 1897 lo scienziato naturalista paraguaiano Antonio Bertoni scoprì ufficialmente per la prima volta la STEVIA e solo nel 1899 la descrisse botanicamente.
L'interesse scientifico alla STEVIA ha inizio , quindi , ai primi del 1900 : nel 1901 C. Gosling , che fu British Consul in Asunción, wrote that this plant was used by the Guarani Indians in the vicinity of the mountains grows Amambaí and near the headwaters of the river Monday ... The leaves are small and the flower even more. In 1908 Rasenack various elements identified in the stevia sweeteners and in 1931 two French chemists, Bridel Lavieille and managed to extract from Stevia leaves a white crystalline powder, which they named stevioside which was obtained at a concentration of 6%.
In 1941, following the blockade carried out by German submarines, Britain sought a sweetener to replace sugar and could be grown locally: The Director of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew commissioned un lavoro di ricerca sulla STEVIA a R. Melville che con il suo lavoro confermò la validità della STEVIA come dolcificante.
Dal momento della sua “scoperta” (1887) ad oggi la STEVIA è coltivata in almeno 12 nazioni ; si stima che nel 1981 ne siano state lavorate circa 700 tonnellate di prodotto essiccato per estrarne lo Stevioside. Il maggiore utilizzatore rimane il Giappone che iniziò la coltivazione della STEVIA in serra a partire dal 1954. Quando il governo giapponese proibì l’uso di alcuni dolcificanti artificiali ed approvò lo Stevioside come un dolcificante ed un esaltatore di sapori per gli alimenti, l’uso della STEVIA come alternativa naturale allo zucchero aumentò enormemente ; questo accadeva alla late 60s. In 1977 maruzen Kasei Co, Ltd began to industrially extract stevioside in Japan. Collected in 1987 were 1700 tonnes of Stevia leaves which were extracted 190 tons of stevioside, stevia extract in 1988 covered the needs of the Japanese market the sweetener for 41% and today has replaced 50% of the consumption of sugar and / or other synthetic sweeteners.
The main consumer countries are: South Korea, China, Israel, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the entire South America.
fresh leaves - leaves powder (20/30 times sweeter than sugar)
- Extract Powder (2 / 300 times sweeter than sugar)
- Concentrated aqueous liquid extraction and / or water-alcohol (about 70 times sweeter than sugar)
The use of stevia is varied, as already mentioned in previous chapters, is used primarily as:
- Substitute sugar and artificial sweeteners, but also in various food products, and more precisely it sweetened candy, chewing gum, dry foods, cereals, yogurt and ice cream, tea and cider, toothpastes and mouthwashes, but what is surprising is the use of salt in food, where it contributes to easing the taste of salt (typical of culture of sweet and sour oriental cuisine) is used to sweeten many drinks, even diet Coke produced in Japan. Of course the main use of stevia as well as in the food industry, is directly on the table of Japanese families. The leaves can be used in powder sprinkled on food that you want to sweeten; leaf particles do not dissolve, giving a feeling of intense and longer lasting sweetness. The Japanese were also the pioneers in the purification of the extracts of stevia glycosides other than obtaining the Stevioside, such as Rebaudioside A, B, C, D, E and A Dulcoside Steviolbioside. The Rebaudioside A and E are particularly interesting as they have no bitter aftertaste as Stevioside. Japanese researchers have already patented many extraction processes and many "recipes" for the combination of stevioside and synthetic sweeteners. One of the most common combinations is that of stevioside, the extract of licorice, glycyrrhizin helps to improve the taste of both sweeteners.
stevia as a sugar substitute sweetener
Everyone is looking for a totally natural, low calorie, fat-free, without maltodextrins, STEVIA
is all this but also much more!
Refined sugar is unnecessary calories in your diet, stevia is much sweeter than sugar and has no degli inconvenienti poco sani dello zucchero . Le foglie secche di STEVIA e la polvere derivata dalla loro lavorazione sono 2/30 volte più dolci dello zucchero, mentre l'estratto raffinato di STEVIA (costituito da steviosidi all'85/95%) è 2/300 volte più dolce. L'estratto raffinato può quindi essere usato solo se diluito, per poterne fare un uso corretto.
Gli esseri umani non dovrebbero utilizzare nulla di artificiale nelle loro diete; STEVIA offre una alternativa sana,del tutto naturale a questi prodotti di sintesi.
Del resto l'uso industriale fatto in Giappone di STEVIA negli ultimi decenni è la prova più lampante che questa sostituzione è sia pratica che economica.
STEVIA non contiene praticamente calorie.
La STEVIA è un eccezionale coadiuvante nei programmi di dimagrimento poiché non contiene calorie e riduce il desiderio di assunzione di dolci ed alimenti grassi. La sensazione di fame risulta ridotta quando vengono prese 10/15 gocce di concentrato 20 minuti prima dei pasti in quanto la STEVIA regola i meccanismi della fame determinando un senso di sazietà e, quindi, inducendo il soggetto a mangiare meno.
Altri benefici nell’impiego della STEVIA nella dieta giornaliera sono il miglioramento della digestione e delle funzioni gastrointestinali, nonché la riduzione nel desiderio del tabacco e delle bevande alcoliche.
Il corpo umano non metabolizza i glucosidi, per cui l’organismo non assorbe calorie dalla STEVIA.
H.R. Roberts M.D.ha testimoniato prima al Congresso e poi alla FDA sull'aspartame e sui suoi potenziali effetti dannosi per la retina: quando l'aspartame viene assunto ed entra in circolo rilascia alcool metilico che è dannoso per la retina . Il Dr. Roberts fa rilevare come l'incremento dell'uso dell'aspartame sia collegato all'incremento di problemi agli occhi. Egli raccomanda quindi ai consumatori affetti da qualsiasi tipo di problema agli occhi di eliminare l'aspartame dalla propria dieta. Donne incinte , in allattamento , bambini , allergici e persone affette da PKU (henylketonuria) devono assolutamente evitare di assumere aspartame. Nel 1995 la FDA ha rivisto la propria posizione sull'importazione di STEVIA negli U.S.A. riconoscendo la STEVIA come un integratore alimentare e non come dolcificante. Questa revisione rappresenta un compromesso politico tra le lobbies rappresentanti gli interessi dello zucchero e dei dolcificanti sintetici da una parte e degli alimenti naturali dall'altra.
La ricerca scientifica ha indicato che la STEVIA regola effettivamente il livello di zucchero nel sangue. Fin dall’introduzione in U.S.A. numerose persone hanno rilevato come , assumendo 20/30 gocce di concentrato di STEVIA per ogni pasto, il loro livello di glucosio nel sangue scendesse a valori normali entro breve tempo. Ovviamente questi dati sono solo indicativi poiché le risposte al trattamento da parte di each subject are variable; advised to determine the amount to be taken by qualified medical personnel.
fact, the diabetic patient is usually followed by a qualified doctor who will prescribe a healthy and balanced diet, stevia can fully become part of this diet because it has a high level of chrominum (?) That helps to level the stabilizzale blood sugar, and this makes it a supplement to be used safely in the diet for people with diabetes, hypoglycemia, and candidiasis (?).
Even the tonic action of stevia is important for the hypoglycemic subjects because it increases energy levels and mental activity. Some studies have
also indicated that Stevia tends to lower the blood pressure in hypertensive, but not change it in the case of normal pressure level.
Three tests conducted by the group of scientific research at Purdue University have shown that stevioside is completely compatible with the fluoride, and significantly inhibits the development of plaque, so that stevia should actually help prevent cavities by reducing it by at least 20%.
also inhibits the growth and reproduction of some bacteria and infectious organisms including bacteria cause tooth decay and gum disease if used as additivante of toothpaste. This may explain why users STEVE also gets a lower incidence of colds and flu using stevia as a mouthwash.
The bag containing the leaves of stevia can be used as a compress after use sweetener, to stretch the skin around the eyes, thereby reducing wrinkles and giving a pleasant sensation of freshness.
The liquid resulting from the stevia leaf or its concentration offers significant benefits when used regularly for skin care. When applied as a facial mask softens and smooths the skin, reduces the size of wrinkles or delaying the formation and helps to heal various skin blemishes including acne.
The use of stevia for skin problems or hair is limited to aqueous extracts carefully and avoid the hydroalcoholic extracts or liquids derived from the solution of stevioside powder.
To date, there is no news of contraindications to the use of stevia in 1,500 years of use and in Paraguay in 40 years of use in Japan. Scientists who have studied the claim that stevia is safe for human use. Following extensive research Dr. David Mowrey cites "more elaborate safety tests were performed by the Japanese during their evaluation of stevia as a possible sweetening agent. Few other substances were also negative STEVIA ai test sulla tossicità. Quasi tutti i test di tossicità sono stati eseguiti sugli estratti di STEVIA; i risultati sono stati sempre negativi. Nessun cambiamento di peso anomalo, nessuna anomalia nelle caratteristiche cellulari, negli enzimi o nei cromosomi , nessun tumore, nessun problema nella gravidanza, nessun effetto indesiderato, né acuto né cronico. Niente!"
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