La domanda che si fanno tutti, ha vinto la canzone o il cantante?
Si è conclusa ieri sera la sessantunesima edizione del Festival di Sanremo. Archiviate le critiche e le polemiche dei giorni scorsi su vallette e conduttori, resta ora l’amaro in bocca per i vincitori della kermesse canora, che con questo podio prova a riscattare il festival dagli ultimi due anni in cui a portare a casa l’ambito premio sono stati infatti i vincitori dei talent show. Quest’anno invece pare abbia dominato su tutto la musica cantautorale di “qualità”, con un Roberto Vecchioni che a più di trent’anni dalla sua ultima partecipazione, ritorna sul palco dell’Ariston e vince con un brano, Chiamami ancora amore , intenso sì, ma certainly not deserving of victory. Second place was a little 'love for the super-favorites this year, with the Modà Emma, \u200b\u200bwill come with their , consulates may be second to a monument of Italian song and first in the Italian charts. On the lowest rung instead Al Bano and her Amanda is free initially rejected in the second episode, shot in the third and reached the top at the behest of the sovereign people that have phones and mobiles. Fourth place for Crush and refined I confess, the real moral winner of this year, who were not saved even by Golden Share, special vote of journalists, which was introduced this year, which would have allowed the most votes of the press to climb three places in the provisional classification overturning the result of remote voting. But as it happened the night before Young, who had seen Raphael Gualazzi selected a winner, the Golden Share has gone to Roberto Vecchioni, thus leaving unchanged the result of the audience at home. Looking at the hat-trick of songs that have popped up this year, one wonders if this year was not the singer-Vecchioni to win, in respect for their career and for over thirty years of absence from San Remo, which is not its basically track weak, despite the acclaim of the audience from the outset. But complaining to a singer-songwriter, already seen and heard, such as Flack was not it better to reward a piece of fresh and intense as that of fashion? True, the hybrid formation, half band, half talent with the participation of Emma, \u200b\u200bshe would see a win for the third time, '"friend" of Maria De Filippi, but at least this year it was a song that Unlike the last two wins, really deserved.
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