Monday, January 31, 2011

How Data Is Manipulated

Robbery and violent man arrested prostitutes

Avrebbe avvicinato due prostitute della Bonifica del Tronto, poi le avrebbe minacciate con una pistola e rapinate dell'incasso. A denunciare l'uomo sono state le stesse ragazze

Teramo. E 'accused of robbing and raping two prostitutes: Richard Joseph Pantalone Pescara, Teramo already in prison, was hit by a new order for custody. According to the prosecution the man had contacted two of Reclamation del Tronto prostitutes for sexual intercourse and then, during the meeting, would have threatened with a gun and then robbed of collection. To denounce the man were the same girls who have turned to the police. So I shot the police investigation of the company of Alba Adriatica, which have brought a report to the prosecution. The order was signed by the investigating magistrate Giovanni de Rensis .

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Pescara Veneto, the seventh died of H1N1 had multiple myeloma

L'uomo, che si stava sottoponendo alla chemioterapia e non si era vaccinato, è deceduto nel reparto di terapia intensiva dell'ospedale Ca' Foncello di Treviso. L'assessore Coletto invita nuovamente i cittadini a vaccinarsi contro l'influenza A

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Friday, January 28, 2011

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beats an elderly aged 85 and ends up in jail

I Carabinieri hanno arrestato Marco Zompo , 46 anni , bolzanino , con precedent i di polizia For violence, resistance and insulting a public official

BOLZANO. beats an old man of 85 years and ends up in jail . The police arrested Marco Zompo, 46, Bolzano, with a history of police, violence, resistance and insulting a public official. Within the offices of CGIL Via Claudia Augusta, after having asked for without having the certification requirements, assaulted the clerk, a 85enne, hitting him with two punches to the face. later, while he was on the ground after trying to strangle him, struck him with a clothes iron. The victim was transported to the hospital emergency room by staff at the 118, where they diagnosed

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Cade the stairs, half-frozen to death in San Viglilio

Found semi-frozen to death by relatives, was poured at the foot of a scale outside of his home . His the conditions are very serious

San Vigilio. A woman of 81 years , been injured falling down stairs , was found semi-frozen to death in San Vigilio . The old was found this morning by family members, pours the foot of a staircase outside of his home . Immediately came the rescue helicopter with 's Aiut Alpin. The woman was admitted to hospital with symptoms of frostbite .

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

English Paragraphs Examples


's the story of a man who looked like an ordinary man, but he was not. He was a jew, first, already 'marked by a fugitive or a prisoner of destiny. He was a jew doctor who loved his community '. And his community ', in the Venice of 1943, there were nearly 1500 people in the Jewish ghetto of Venice and out. And he, this man, he loved his community 'and jealously and scrupulously kept a book with newborns, transfers, new families, new arrivals ... and did it quietly, secretly. "... Has always held a certain very secrecy with which, he says to protect the Community'...", this man tells the woman who knows him well, his sister with whom he lived ...
him, a man full of righteousness and honest ', he decides to sacrifice himself not to betray the community' and its discretion. There was dancing in the "mopping up" in the ghetto and out, it might have been more 'easy to get away in secret: "... we take something, a little background ... and we go away! WAY!". But in the end, he, a man whose nature and I had already 'forged in one solid way, left them' in his beloved Venice, its full calle di profumi, colori...
Rimane giusto il tempo per distruggere cio' che il generale Cermak gli domanda minacciandolo, la LISTA dei nomi degli Ebrei, assicurandosi cosi' la loro salvezza protetta dall'anonimato.
E poi, scenicamente, andarsene via in pace.

Questa e' la storia finale di Giuseppe Jona, dottore. Vissuto a Venezia in cui esercitava la professione di medico. Una storia "SHALOM ALEIKEM", ritrascritta da Fabrizio Frassa, autore teatrale e regista, e portata in scena da IT.ART venerdi' 28 e sabato 29 gennaio. Prima serata a San Maurizio (ore 21.00 sala Consigliare), sabato a Caselle, ore 21 sala Cervi.



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Monday, January 10, 2011

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Woman strangled: the former is the crime would have occurred because of jealousy of her

has' made the alleged murderer of woman found dead in the street last night to Arluno (Milan) The man would be the former boyfriend of forty , Italian as the alleged murderess, and was beaten and then strangled . L ' murder would take place because of her jealousy. Investigators are interrogating the man, who explained that it would hit with fists and then killing her.

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Massacre Arizona shootings Loughner classroom and 'formally charged with five federal crimes

Loughner Jared Lee, the author of the massacre Tucson, and 'appeared for the first time in the courtroom in Phoenix, Arizona. The 22-year- briefly responded to questions from the judge, and said to understand the trial procedures. Loughner and 'was formally charged with five federal crimes: two murders and three attempted murders .

in their case is expected in the next days, the indictments state jurisdiction, ie concern that 'the jurisdiction of' Arizona.