Saturday, December 26, 2009

Sims 2 Clothes Outerwear

Natale di tavoli rossi

La neve e' gia' scesa, dopo qualche giorno di dominazione ghiacciata ha ceduto alle lusinghe di un sole inaspettato e si and 'let go into streams of voluptuous ease ...
the notes of crystal bells, in a clear sky of stars, even the Christmas' past, including Pandora and candied slices of panettone on every table, even, I think in those impromptu Aquila earthquake. Tangerines, nuts and peanut skins, some deck of cards and bingo cards that rests between improvised chips with dried beans ...
A Christmas simplicity ', perhaps even without smiles, but everywhere a red tablecloth and a candle.
Everywhere, I hope, a hope for more '.
a charm.
least until the blossoming of a new dream ...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

No Cdfor Age Of Empires 1


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Homemade Chips Sour Cream Onion


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cause Of Bradycardia In Typhoid Fever

Breathtaking views

Terminio The buttresses of the view from the castle tower of San Michele

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dalfour Whitening Cream In Dubai

Adios, negra cantora...

We heard his voice thank "la vida" that has given so much, that a life spent defending the "vida" His Argentina, with the strength, the courage of a Pasionaria. She
, Haydar Mercedes Sosa, July 9, 1935, gave voice to his interpretations of all the people of Argentina who rebelled against the dictatorship. Enough to be first censured, then stopped at a concert in La Plata.

were the last 70 years, the end of a decade spent by Mercedes to flee from one country to another, from Paris to Madrid, to be able to still sing his songs of freedom.

born, in quel periodo, infatti, "Todo cambia", quasi una speranza di democrazia e pace rivolta al suo Paese (ascoltatela, qualche riga più giù...), e "Solo le pido a Dios" che sarebbe diventata in seguito, per le nuove generazioni, il canto di vittoria per la liberta' ritrovata.

"L'Argentina piange Mercedes", titolano i giornali; sul suo sito , invece, una lettera della sua famiglia, rivolta a coloro - un popolo intero - che l'hanno amata. Una lettera commovente, che invita tutti a salutare la loro Mercedes come lei avrebbe desiderato, con l'unico modo che la rendeva felice: cantando. "...Lo que más feliz la hacía a Mercedes era cantar. Y seguramente ella hubiera querido cantarles también en este final. De modo que así queremos recordarla y así los invitamos a hacerlo con nosotros...".

A me piace guardala, mentre canta Gracias a la vida .
Ma poi vado qui e provo a pensarla a Madrid, mentre canta alla sua Argentina, rivolta a quel giorno in cui " finalmente tutto sarebbe cambiato ". Struggente.

Tra i commenti di chi la saluta, la voce di "un Uruguayo", che riporto integralmente:


Adios, recalling (moving really ...)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

White Stones In Dog Feces

Se fossi in un Reality potrei dire...?

"Give the person a pedophile to live television before millions of viewers, it is perfectly legal and, indeed, not could it be otherwise, given that you are part of a reality show. It 's the gist of the ruling by the Italian Court of Cassation ...(...)... The argument is that the judges of the Supreme Court to judge casi di insulti anche molto pesanti si debba tenere conto della particolarità dei reality show, i quali esistono per "sollecitare il contrasto tra i partecipanti. Quella trasmissione è volutamente indirizzata alla rissa verbale", gli insulti subiti devono essere intesi come "conseguenza della notorietà volontariamente acquisita con la partecipazione a quella trasmissione".
(da tiscali- spettacoli)

Ed ora, infine, sui Reality Show si e' espressa pure la magistratura, palesando in modo inequivocabile il fine di ogni trasmissione "realistica", adesso - senza ulteriore dubbio - e' emerso che REALE per many is synonymous with BRAWL.

TV, then, goes on air with its broadcasts incited fights for (and, in this case, just one of "president4ever" which also wants the Nobel Peace Prize. PEACE?)

Just this morning I read the meaning of organized social groups (the Company, for instance): group of individuals who persecute finalitù condivid0no of common interest and that the same rules. And now I understand. I AM OUT OF THE COMPANIES '. MOST OF THE PEOPLE AROUND ME THINKS AND ACTS AND WISH SO DIFFERENT FROM ME TOO.
I therefore 'find the other, other A-social come me, per condividere questa A-socialità, nel perseguimento di interessi altri, dove la rissa è il ricordo squallido di un mondo che non ci assomigliava/assomiglia PER NIENTE.


Buona domenica!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tried To Pop Genital Acne

Non toglietemi la Gabanelli!

Ne hanno parlato alcuni quotidiani (LASTAMPA, ha dato la notizia in...spettacoli ):
la Rai, si dice in giro, non assicurerebbe più la copertura legale ai collaboratori di Report , i "cacciatorpedinieri dell'Informazione", che con Milena Gabanelli ogni domenica sera (e dovrebbe ricominciare l'undici di ottobre) sanno dare vita ad inchieste ad altissimo contenuto informativo, accurate e puntuali, su molti aspetti del nostro vivere.
Scomodo Report.
La mia profonda convinzione e' che le voci libere di una libera informazione (i collaboratori di Report NON sono contrattualizzati) devono rimanere libere per tutelare la libertà ONESTA.
Scomodo Report, ma non deve smettere di parlare.
Qui i link delle due testate citate.

There is also a petition in the Box ...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Where You Can Buy Gold In Dubai


small excerpt from the work-TEX.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Indian Females Showing Their Bust


I'll be there to drink, eat, chat and maybe a draw!
See you there!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Send Sms To My Friend About New Born Baby

"I nostri morti gettati nell'oceano"

The birds migrate to find the sun:
the world, for them, and 'them all.

I say to many who see in the "foreign " to get rid of the scum, the catalyst of all the rubbish around how stinky our otherwise white scarf screw, the carrier of the virus infected the crime-a-matter The genome of the pusher, the load of garbage that-if-you-fall-in-water-tantochilovede ...

I say to many, sometimes, paradoxically, also foreign Italianized (from the worst) razzistizzati to read back in our (and their) past.
recent past.

But my desire will remain 'unfulfilled? Already

fools ... do not read.

Fools do not think.

then trust others.
time in their lives, some fool goes of course (and 'continuous incessant comings and goings)
trust in a quiet, powerful special word of mouth.

READ HERE ... when we were migrants.

The photo comes from this site anpicanavese . Read the words that accompany it ...
(thanks to Carlo Maria Aimone)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Does A Mini Stroke Cause Muscle Spasms

There are mornings when, more 'other times, I read good things. This morning was one of those. But, apart from the more sober and encouraging words of friends, who fortunately there to make the lightness of the soul otherwise cumbersome, I find a blog, reported by Kataweb.
A complaint perhaps trivial, for now the climate of terrorism and liabilities of the wickedness of this time. A complaint with an open heart and painful. Sore and bleeding. Defeated maybe not.
all depends on us, we 'others' from our disgust for certain city chronicles, the approval by our rejection, our desire for revenge. Of revolution.
Otherwise ... what kind of world are we rushing?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What If My Hematocrit Levels Are Low?

Views from the Castle of S. Michele Small

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Watch Monica Roccaforte


I embrace you!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pokemon Red Online Play Speed


Studio di personaggio di qualche anno fa per progetto cinematografico.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Pack 13

Questa sì che è determinazione!

"I do not understand why I have to pay!"
"had the car in the ban ..."
"Yes, but look here! Sounds like a joke! Not read anything! "
'and' success that my colleague has obviously not put the cardboard between the sheets and has overwritten the previous data on this here fine ..."
"mah! It seems to me a doodle!
"but indicated that his car?"
"which one?"
"You tell me ..."
"Well, my one is certainly"
and So what? "
" So what? Context fine for me because this is not correct! "
" if the book of the car I validate it to him here ... "
" Yeah! I'm not here to book the car. I'm sorry your "
" then I do not know what to say .. "
" seems to me a joke, I told you! It is well written and it reads bad! "
" Listen: if you want to pay the fine, fine. And if you do not want to pay 'its right context through an appeal. Awaits notification of the fine and make the same appeal. Punto
"Yeah! So I have to pay even notice! "
"in any case this is a warning. Does not use up a notice, it will do fine on the one that you will be notified at the home "
" but we can not accept a notice of this guy! All seemed fine but do not read this ?!!?" nothing! I think I have the right to a NOTICE readable, no? ""
"do as you think. Good morning, "
" no, but ... is not for the 38 € ... "
" wants to pay it or not? "
" oh, well ... not worth it rockin '... justice of the peace. .. or prefecture. It's not that I ... no, I pay the fine ... is not that ... "
" ... the pay or not? "
" Sissi, pay you ATM, right? "

(control municipal police: the deputy commander / user fined)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Can Trichomoniasis Lay Dormant In A Male


nice day!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mechadoll Demonstration

SI PUO' FARE - giulio manfredonia

A story full of emotion, emotion, whether anger, sadness, joy, heart pounding.
In this film, which manages to caress as just a beautiful simple poem could even the fable, the island that does not exist ', they become reality' .
You can' do look at the world through the eyes of members of the Cooperative 180, imparando a guardarci dal di fuori, riuscendo solo cosi' a vedere, tra le fessure vuote delle nostre piccolezze, anche la grandezza che riusciremmo a raggiungere, se solo ci provassimo.

Un film ispirato ad una storia vera.
Ma qui, in questo film che racconta l'indomani della legge Basaglia di una cooperativa sociale (cooperativa 180), si apre la strada per quelle emozioni che sanno restituire vita alla vita. Dure, dolci, rabbiose, tenere...Emozioni vere, autentiche.
Un film che tutti dovrebbero vedere. Molti lo hanno gia' fatto, (il passaparola e' stato davvero forte) altri non si pentiranno di vederlo perche', mentre i titoli di coda scorreranno, loro si feel better ...

The cast? Extraordinary. Everything from director Giulio Manfredonia, a "in" a Claudio Bisio that never ceases to surprise. A special praise to "Gigi," "Luke", "Nicki", "Godfrey", "Luisa", "Roby" (look at them and then tell me ...).
The soundtrack: the best.

(a taste)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Love These Curves Free Gallery

Storia COMUNE per gente SPECIALE. Andrea Zitoli

Today was the day of final exams' for many. Also, and finally to Andrea. A special boy, from the huge heart, great sensitivity and gray matter in the head at the expense of physicality 'that did not help, since the first moment of life. But when life preenta a bit 'more' complicated for certain every problem becomes a challenge. Cosi 'e' was for Andrea. Today, the professor who just last year (five years of Psicopedagogico Experimental High School) told him NO, he would not graduate as all other, denying that future coveted university, 'cause "inadequately prepared", but then what goes to make a University like you '- this in essence, the gist of "today, I said, then professor Andrew, after another year of upper secondary education - mind you, last year is not 'was rejected in the late-oral, after discussing his thesis on the masks, he wrote a text message: TODAY IS A GRADUATE DISABILE.A all Graduates with Disabilities, to those like Andrea have had to study six years for a FIVE (!!!), my diploma CHAPEAU!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Genital Warts Black Males


WEDNESDAY, June 24 at Villanova Bobbio PELLICE .
ITS "FRANCE" LA is desperate and asks for your HELP.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

How To Make A Paper Saxaphone


Da ora in edicola e in fumetteria SCUOLA DI FUMETTO 68 con otto pagine dello "sketch-book CESTARO BROS"

Thursday, June 18, 2009

C0000005 Tally Migration

DOPOCENA a casa Marchini Ramello

It 's time for sun, hot, hot and buzzing flatflat fan blades on the ceiling.
The air conditioning in cars that also freezes the few ideas left, and 'a refreshing respite to the sweat dripping from the tank and close the channel to the steps of the back-bone.
Hot and summer.
It 's the time for outdoor concerts, rallies, meetings at the end of school year, in a festive atmosphere and worldly phlegm calm and relentless heat.
But most importantly it is time for the theater!

FRIDAY 'June 26, 2007
San Maurizio Canavese (TO)
Casa Marchini Ramello
via Bertone 17

Association IT.ART presents:
Fabrizio Frassa

Loredana Wet
Francesco Procacci
Livio Bowler

Alessandro Umoret
with the Blue Roads

Tonino Sabatucci

Audio Mixer
Charlie Prandi

Franca Battistella

Fabrizio Frassa

Friday, June 12, 2009

Herb Albert Tv Signature Tune


Tavola realizzata per il numero 6 dela rivista MONO, dedicato ai Classici della Letteratura. Il mio conributo è sul romanzo "Il ritratto di Dorian Gray".

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fabric To Make Fluffies

24 maggio

Beach upheld the sun's heat and my imagination, lying sull'asciugamano, lazy between music and the lilting melody of the sea caressing.
A phone call left traces of the past in the head, confused words, emotions, rediscovered, dusted off a book from the shelf more popped 'up in the cellar ... A
was proposing a friendly voice that I thought myself in that book closed and forgotten. A friendly voice that he had heard, with the touch of the pianist, Sam, tap the keys of my emotions and those come up with a music that I liked. And how.
A friendly voice which 'came into my heart and from there' and not 'more' left.
An item that has a face a smile, a vastness' d'animo da far sentire ricca anche la piu' miserevole delle vite.
Una voce che ha un volto un sorriso una vastita' d'animo e un nome.
Nel persempre di un sogno.
In quel sogno dove le nostre vite si sono regalate il sorriso che scavalca ogni ostacolo ogni distanza ogni malattia e ogni rinuncia.
E' l'amica del cuore. Del mio cuore. E' il cuore di un'amica.
Buon 24 maggio.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Junior Reno 911 Costume


Disegno per i 18 anni della C Inserisci link ammella Alessandra!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Missed Period Hard Cervix

RESISTENZA:"Festa d'aprile"

"E` già da qualche tempo che i nostri fascisti/ si fan vedere poco, sempre più tristi/ hanno capito forse se non son proprio tonti/ che sta arrivando l'ora della resa dei accounts. / Force who is now time, the battle rages on / to conquer peace and liberate Italy. / descend down from the mountains to gunshots / cheering partisans, is a holiday in April! / When a Republican homage a germ / raises his right hand to salute / but if by chance he meets the rest of us partisans / to welcome up both hands. / Force who is now time ... / Black black shirt that we wash thee / no six good brand, you retreat! / We know the trends change almost every month / day is suitable for the fascist bourgeoisie. / Force who is now time ... / A few weeks ago pei dear German / ripen Medlar also on fish / dear Fuehrer and the Duce Davan us for dead / but we partigiani siam sempre risorti./ Forza ch'è giunta l'ora ..."
Quando son nata erano gli anni del boom economico, dei figli dei fiori... Oggi che l'apatia sembra aver rapito l'ultimo brandello di ribellione, vorrei poter essere come i giovani degli anni 40, pieni di ideali e capaci, davvero, di sacrificare la propria vita per essi.
Ho voglia di alti ideali, di cortei, di voglia di cambiare.