Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Free Raven Riley Account

RUBY, carved prime position

The purpose is to ask for an alternative rite
The Milan prosecutors investigating the case, Ruby has decided to decline to place Silvio Berlusconi "in view of further determinations regarding for criminal prosecution ", as the chief prosecutor Edmondo Bruti Liberati . E 'was indeed created a stand-alone dossier on the premier for accusations of extortion and child prostitution . The purpose is to ask the court with an alternative rite for President of the Council.
The deletion and the creation of a new specification of the case were decided in view of demand immediate trial expected Wednesday .

The deletion of the position of Silvio Berlusconi from the file where there are other suspects (Lele Mora, Emilio Fede, Nicole Minetti plus two people with minor role), subject to a separate official notification of the prosecution, is further evidence that the prosecution office will close games with the process request with immediate ritual for the Prime Minister, accused of extortion (the call to the police station the night of 27 e il 28 maggio con parte offesa il funzionario Pietro Ostuni, ndr.) e prostituzione minorile (i presunti rapporti sessuali con Ruby, ndr).

La richiesta di processo con il rito immediato potrebbe riguardare entrambi i reati o solo la concussione. Il codice, per la prostituzione minorile, prevede come rito speciale non l'immediato, ma la citazione diretta a giudizio dopo il provvedimento di chiusura delle indagini.


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